4 Essential Trainings Your Virtual Staff Need
If you want to get the best out of your business, you have to think about how you can create skilled and energetic workforce. The only logical way to do that is to invest in a fool-proof training program. It’s not a new thing though, but businesses seldom consider the importance of training.
Among many other factors determining the value of training, some key areas where it becomes vital for all organization has been:
- Awareness about workplace environment
- Reducing employee retention a major threat for services industry
This post talks through the important training sessions you should conduct physically by means of video collaboration technology, in order to mishaps.
- Orientation
Needless to say, every employee needs understanding about the place where he works and the responsibilities of his job. Orientation is the basic part and here is a valid reason why it’s even more important for manufacturing businesses than services businesses;
- 1.3 million US-based employees encounter injuries every year, because of the lack of orientation training.
- 5,500 employees die of injuries every year, only in the U.S, and that’s because of the poor orientation.
While these results are related to physical session, orientation for virtual staff is as vital, since your operations require no physical space, but still, your employees need proper understanding of what you do and how things are run in your company.
What could you possibly do with limited space and no proper training facility? You can talk to Resolve Collaboration Services who can assist you with state-of-the-art video collaboration solution, making sure you conduct a successful orientation session online.
2. Corporate Wellness
You can also help your employees reduce healthcare expenses by conducting wellness programs and training sessions. In this way, according to studies, you can help them save $1.65 per dollar spent on training.
Following ideas are worth implementing:
- Diseases screening
- Health risk assessment
- Fitness facilities
- Nutrition workshop
- Substance abuse
- Smoking cessation
- Weight management
- Healthy sleep habits
3. Customer Service
To give your employees a chance to learn quickly, you can invest in video collaboration training programs, and you’ll find a lot of training room facilities in Singapore. Some popular ideas include:
- Customer service skills
- Identifying customer needs
- Phone etiquette
- Tackling irate customers
- Listening skills
In this way, you can teach your employees:
- How to turn contented customers into recurring customers
- How to handle customer complaints
Nowadays, customer support is offered by virtual staff, so virtual training is inevitable for them.
4. Workplace Ethics
In 2008, the United States public department received more than 95000 complaints and majority of them dealt with sexual harassment. In fact, there were 32,000 reported cases of sexual harassment in 2008. Employers had to pay close to $275 million to remunerate the complainants.
Do you want to save yourself from lawsuits or other related troubles? There’s no point saying, “No” to it. How are you going to ensure that? Conduct a work ethic training!
With successful trainings, you can go on to invest in the following programs for better, informed and productive workforce:
- Interpersonal skills
- Sexual harassment
- Workplace diversity
- Code of conduct